
Friday, March 30, 2007

yo yo....so i went to schedule next semester today....man, im gonna graduate in December...weeeird

note to karen and stupid girls....notice i said "weeeird" and not weirdddddddd

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Adam’s previous post has inspired me to recall (much to my delight) some of my favorite South Park quotes. Thanks to Google, I was able to find the full quotes for those which I could only remember parts. So here they are for your entertainment:

1.) Kyle: Is anyone else having problems concentrating on this? I just can't seem to concentrate.
Cartman: Maybe we should send you to a concentration camp.

2.) Cartman: Maury, I am out of control. Yeah, I use drugs. I can do what I waunt, biatch! Yeah, I have sex, and I don't use protection! It's my hot body; I'll do what I waunt! I don't go to school and I kill people! What-evah! I'll do what I waunt!

3.) Cartman: You seem a little irritable, Kyle. You got some sand in your vagina?
Kyle: There's no sand in my vagina!

4.) Bebe: You guys still want to go ice skating after school?
Wendy: Oh no, that's okay, Bebe. You might trip and then we'd be sucked into your huge, gaping vagina like ants into a vacuum cleaner.

5.) Stan: Dude, dolphins are intelligent and friendly.
Cartman: Intelligent and friendly on rye bread with some mayonnaise.

6.) Mr. Garrison: A haiku is just like a normal American poem except it doesn't rhyme and it's totally stupid.

7.) Mr. Garrison: Say 'hi' to Sexual Harassment Panda!
The Class: Hi, Sexual Harassment Panda.
Sexual Harassment Panda: Did you know that when one little panda pulls on another little panda's underwear, that's sexual harassment? That makes me a sa-a-a-a-ad panda.
Kyle: This is freaking me out, dude.
Sexual Harassment Panda: And when one little panda puts his furry little willy in another panda's ear, that makes me a very sad panda. Now, I'm going to pass out these booklets, and we're going to go through each and every sexual harassment law.
The Class: Awwww

8.) Cop: I'm never going to frame another innocent man again! Unless I know he's black.

9.) Cartman: I got my period.

10.) Mrs. Cartman: Doctor, did you find out what's wrong with him?
Doctor: I'm afraid he's running out of time.
Mrs. Cartman: Why, what's wrong with him?
Doctor: It's his time. It's running out.
Mrs. Cartman: What can we do?
Doctor: Well, I suppose we can try a time transplant. I'll have to call a specialist.

11.) Mr. Hat: That's right, Mr. Garrison. Christopher Columbus discovered America and was the Indians' best friend. He helped the Indians win their war against Frederick Douglass and freed the Hebrews from Napoleon and discovered France.

12.) Cartman: If some sissy chick tried to kick my ass I would say hey, missy, go knit me a sweater before I slap you in the face!

13.) Cartman: Oh no, people! Come on! We're so close to completing my final solution!

14.) Mrs. Garrison: Now I for one think that evolution is a bunch of bull crap. But I've been told I have to teach it anyway. It was thought up by Charles Darwin and it goes something like this:In the beginning, we were all fish, okay, swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby. And the retard baby was different so it got to live. So retard fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands, and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something, and made this retard-frog-squirrel and then that had a retard baby which was a monkey-fish-frog, and then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey and that made you. So there you go. You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel. Congratulations.

15.) Mrs. Garrison: That's right kids, and so you see, there is no god.
Mr. Dawkins: Careful darling, the school board doesn't like it when we -
Stan: (interrupts) Well there could still be a god.
Mrs. Garrison: What?
Stan: Couldn't evolution be the answer to how, and not the answer to why?
Mrs. Garrison: Uh-oh! Retard alert! Retard alert, class! (to Stan) Do you believe in a flying spaghetti monster too, bubblehead?!

16.) Atheist Sea Otter: Know this time-child; I shall smash your skull like a clam on my tummy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

yo yo....im posting twice in same 24 hr block, but not same calendar day, so not too weird. anyways, i want to discuss the future release of the simpsons movie. Now, let me preface this by reminding you all i am a very devout simpsons fan. that being said, i can see that i won't like the movie that much, here is why. in the recent decline of the simpsons(last 4 or so seasons) there has been a noticable(to me at least) shift to more computer heavy graphics. I for one liked the look of the middle seasons, not the crude early sketchings but the season 6-13 block. there's just something about the current animation that doesn't sit right, and when i see the movie previews its even worse.
one thing that amazes me about the simpsons is how they have kept the cast together for 17(or is it 18) seasons. Because there's only a handful of voice actors(many do multiple voices) each one is very valuable, that is, except for when maude flanders voice died, they simply covered it up(poorly) and kinda wrote her out....her actress also did helen lovejoy as well

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

yo yo....i am going to discuss american idol breifly

i don't like the voting system. I think instead of voting for your favorite(or the best) it should be voting for the worst. Here is why i think it should be like that. Let's say on a given nite one performer far out sings everyone else. The people who vote normally will vote for him, everyone else will vote for their favorite or hometown person. Then it becomes a popularity contest for who leaves. However, if we were to vote for the worst, and one person was far worse then everyone else, they would leave. and we wouldn't have sanjaya anymore.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

yo yo....so ive been catching up on the office the past few days, as jofi reccomended.....and i must say, the love interest/storyline with jim and pam is one of the best ive seen in movies or tv shows....it made me watch 7 episodes in a row when i planned on goin to sleep at 3 and didnt till 5 cuz it made me want more....even tho the show is a comedy thats what i watch for....the show isn't really as funny as i think its meant to be, i find the michael character really annoying and stupid most of the time, tho there are funny moments, i think my favorite being when jim's new boss called them in for a meeting about their peformance in call of duty, but basically jim and pam is where its at, most of the good storylines/jokes involve jim, i like ryan too...i always wondered why him and jim werent friends, since they seem to be close in age
i really like the love story because it develops SO slowly, the problem i find about the show for new viewers is that i think if u watched a random episode you wouldnt find it very funny, you gotta watch a lot of episodes to get a feel for the characters

Friday, March 09, 2007

yo yo...sometimes i think about how this generation would interact with each other of the internet, well, instant messaging and email, didnt exist. i wonder about myself, would my social skills be better? worse? the same? there are many arguments you could make for it being bad for todays youth's social skills, however i think there are many positive effects. For instance, staying in touch with people u know but arent very close with. Everyone has people like that where if instant messaging didnt exist you would not call that person to see wats up, where internet makes it easy, quick, and weirdness free. plus, it lets you do other things at the same time....sometimes there are times i'll be on the phone and reading an article or something and i'll keep saying hold on to the person on the phone or find myself yessing and not realizing what they're talking about, with instant messaging you can talk, maybe turn around and watch a minute of the movie ur watching, and go back and talk, or do both at same time, depending on your setup


Thursday, March 08, 2007

What up.

Going to Florida. If anyone needs me, I'll be around the rock friday night. Otherwise, I'm en route to North Carolina and no one can stop me. Warm weather here I come. And plenty after I'm looking forward to during the month of showers:

April 12th: Brand new episode of the Office.

April 13th: Next Mass Transit show, huge blowout at Skirball Theater. Invite all your friends. 800 seats to fill.

April 20th: Possible visit to NRHS with MT.

P.S. A Million Ways. Here It Goes Again. Listen. Ok Go.

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