
Friday, March 09, 2007

yo yo...sometimes i think about how this generation would interact with each other of the internet, well, instant messaging and email, didnt exist. i wonder about myself, would my social skills be better? worse? the same? there are many arguments you could make for it being bad for todays youth's social skills, however i think there are many positive effects. For instance, staying in touch with people u know but arent very close with. Everyone has people like that where if instant messaging didnt exist you would not call that person to see wats up, where internet makes it easy, quick, and weirdness free. plus, it lets you do other things at the same time....sometimes there are times i'll be on the phone and reading an article or something and i'll keep saying hold on to the person on the phone or find myself yessing and not realizing what they're talking about, with instant messaging you can talk, maybe turn around and watch a minute of the movie ur watching, and go back and talk, or do both at same time, depending on your setup


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