
Thursday, June 18, 2009

yo yo...so today i was running during ym lunch break ( i move up my mornign snack and eat lunch 30 min before lunch and run during lunch, for now at least) and thinking about how different songs effect my emotions and level of pumped-upness. There are certain songs that when they have a good beat and the singer is singing in a range thats really good for me and has some nice dynamics in it that i have to fight the urge to sing along while running. For instance i love singing to the song "Like a Stone" by audioslave, great song. There are other songs that are just so great that i don't even want to sing along, i just imagine myself sitting in front of the singer with my elbows on my knees in awe watching them sing. Example, One by U2. That song is so goddamn good, it pumps me up like nothing else just hearing Bono's energy and heart that comes through when you hear it. There are a lot of U2 songs i like to sing to, but for some reason that one I just like to listen to, its really terrific. Then i was listening to Maryilyn Mansons cover of sweet dreams, that one just makes me wanna play rockband drums to.
I really like san diego's accessibility to bicycling. I could probably survice a while here without a car, well if my work was in a different place, i COULD ride to work but it'd be annoying, besides work i can def live without a car, and usually do bicycle places.
Also, i was thinking about torture while watching 24, and thinking about what it takes to be untorturable. I think to someone that is untorturable what you would have to do is do something to them that not only inflicts lots of pain, but causes permanent damage. For instance you can waterboard or electoshock someone all u want, but when ur done they'll be back to normal. Now scraping out an eyeball....hurts AND ur blind afterwords. SO, the torturee has to think to himself, "can i withstand the pain AND can I live blind?" makes the decision a lot harder...prolly better off to just tell jack what he wants to know...
Also i never got to see the Bodies exhibit in NY, but it just came to SD for a limited time! also, i hear NY hasn't had summer yet? suckers.

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