
Monday, June 08, 2009

yo yo...so i just came from the SD sheriffs station(actually a big nice building)to interview for my concealed weapons permit...in the pre interview the lady told me i wouldn't pass cuz i didn't have enough reason...what she basically told me was that i needed a SPECIFIC threat or reason why my life was in danger...
i never spoke more eloquently and intelligently in my life with these dumb people...i twisted their words to show what they were saying contradicted common sense to the point where they said i'd have to ask an attorney...tho i might have found a loophole

one example she gave me was if i had a restraining order on somebody...so im thinkin i can file a restraining order on someone, not press charges, then reapply...Plan B is to get a guard card(become a licensed security guard and just not get a job as one basically)Also wat annoys me is in california, beleive it or not, it is legal to OPEN CARRY a handgun so long as its unloaded(so you'd carry with an empty magazine and have a loaded magazine in ur holster, not attached)...so i proposed to them the scenario that I want to protect myself, they feel i don't have just enough cause, and now am forced to OPEN carry which puts me at greater risk? they couldn't answer how that makes sense...she also tried to tell me they are liable when they issue carry permits, but couldnt answer how someone having a restraining order out makes them less liable...i tried using the reason that i work at a 24 hr staffed facility and am forced to do daily activites at odd hrs etc etc, she said well there are many people who work 24 hrs(i wanted to just yell at her "and THEY should be able to carry too!")...
I am contacting a lawyer tommorrow through my union(cuz its free!), this is SO not done...

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