
Friday, April 24, 2009

yo yo...so today was our first day of labs...we started by taking a "pretest" which is where we run a scenario by ourselves and get a computer grading without names, and then at the end of the 2 weeks we take the same one again and they see how the class as a whole improved...
after we got into our groups(in one sector 1 will work the north side and one will work the south side) and worked scenarios for the night, practicing coordinating with the other guy in our sector(for sequencing arrivals, handing off aircraft from our control to theirs, etc), the day goes by SO much quicker when your working traffic, i made some silly mistakes but im getting better...its fun walking around with headsets on, makes me feel cool
expect blog updates later because i'll be in class until late

btw, the people doing the piloting are professional "ghost"pilots, that apparently all facilities have, and they make decent money, and all they do is type commands you give them like a computer game, for anyone needing a job try to get one of those!

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