
Thursday, February 07, 2008

yo yo.... so one of the jena 6 was arrested again for violence in his new high school...choked a student and smashed his head on a table

so im cleaning my room and i found my journal from 4th grade...it must be really hard to be a elementary school teacher...you have to pretend to be interested in stupid crap and grade horrific handwriting...im amazed how she comments on all the stupid crap we write about in our journals...some excerpts follow

-"what kind of car do you have? and what kind of car does your sister have?"-my 2 questions we had to ask our teacher

-"I look like i always do. A little kid with a mushroom haircut. There isn't much to say. I also look smart" me describing my appearance that day.

- i spelled daschund "doshin"

- i talked about my dad's old shop dog "Mr. Dog" a lot, and in an entry said if i could talk to him i'd ask him why he runs away and where does he go

-i said i would be venom if i could be any super hero...boy how my concept of heros was skewed

-in an imaginary day me and parweez visited the spiderman factory to see a spiderman show made...apparently tv shows are built in factories

-one entry asked for our hardest secret...i said i didnt't know but thats a fucked up question

-i described and drew my bed and its exactly the same

-if i had 2 hrs to spend with a friend me and joe flachs would watch wrestlemania 12 for 2 hrs

-apparently my favorite band lived in california...im not sure but i was probably offspring

-seinfeld is the best family show

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