
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

yo yo... american idol roundup time

Because of the theme (60's), song choice, and strong voices i would like to see Chikeze and David Jaeger back on next week, they both had really strong voices but didnt do the best of songs

Im not sure what i think about david hernandez, except that he scoops and bends waaaaay to much

David Archuleta i did not like that much. but i know he will go very far because he is very young and looks very young, so he will get a large following

Garret seems cool, like a cool guy to hang with...Robbie Carrico was good...Jason Castro and Mike John were both very good and now frontrunners i think...i think it's no coincidence they went last

i HATE HATE HATE Danny Noriega...i hate his whole sass attitude and flamboyance and everything needing to be "hot"...i hope a brick falls out of the sky and lands on his skull live thursday after he gets the boot

General show thoughts: I continue to think Paula is absolutely useless on the show. She should be reminded that she is allowed to say bad things, instead of just sugar coating a bad performance by saying someone is nice...i actually laugh when i look at her, she just looks ridiculous.....

I still don't like that you vote for who you like. I think it would be much better if you voted for who you wanted OFF. It would be better for so many reasons. For one it would prevent whole towns and just people who know someone for voting their person on. Instead those people will have to pay attention and vote for the worst.

i miss blake...his performances will be missed

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