
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

yo yo...ok, so today was top 2 weirdest days of my life...

jofi asked me if i wanted to do per diem janitorial work at domincan college...so i said sure cuz it was good pay....so first we go to haverstraw to pick up his sister's bf and some hooligans and then we get there and i am immeidately wisked away into a strange car with strange spaniards....then we drive to this wharehouse...i have no idea what im doing there...i was given a shirt, but i am still confused...i get into a car with this weird white guy and we follow a large tractor trailer somewhere and i still have no idea where i am or what im doing....we stop at a residential house and i then pieced it together...i was working for a moving company...13 hrs later im tired....a long day being around kids that have been married and divorced by 20, been left back, in jail, barely read, smoke ciggarettes constantly...
although the pay was good, this work isnt for me, dont get me worng, i can handle the lifting and physcial labor, but i jsut feel like its not for someone who is educated and smart...this kind of job is for, well, dumb people, who dropped out of school.....thye are makign more money than msot summertime college students now, a lot mroe, but in a few years, it'll all even out

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