
Thursday, October 06, 2005

yo yo....this is a convo i just had with vincent in reference to possibility of Derek Jeter moving to Stony Point and stalking...

Vas72985: oh man, now I hope he moves in
Vas72985: I mean, I don't particularly have interest in him in particular, just any famous person would do
Vas72985: I could use a legitimate person to stalk...instead of random people that sit near me in class that day
MANCUBUSS: is it like a game
MANCUBUSS: u try to find that person on facebook
Vas72985: well, I look at the people sitting near me and I think "hmm, I wonder what HIS deal is"
Vas72985: so I look to see who he is and find out all of his personal info
Vas72985: and check his away messages until the next day when I pick a new person

in other news, leaving for albany/cape cod/boston tonite....be back never again!

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