Sunday, August 28, 2005
What up. I guess this is goodbye NoRock, you've been pretty good to me. Made lots of friends and had some good times. I guess since most of my friends have all gone to college last year and the year before its not so hard to say goodbye to them, knowing how I'll see them soon. Saying goodbye to my family will be weird, especially Ali. I think she is really broken up about this, and I hope she knows how much I'll miss her and having a sister who is so good at listening and making me look good too (kidding). She can be so annoying but she is a good friend too. Matty K left and I was pretty sad but I know we're both gonna have a good time at school so I can't complain. I'm going to miss my room, I really like my bed and reverting to a small bed will be slightly annoying but I'll deal. I guess everyone leaving made me a little sentimental towards the end.... I felt myself losing it at times, but always knowing that college is gonna be awesome and there is no reason to be upset. Life is about finding your own happiness, whatever situation you may find yourself in. College is the next step in life and we all have to go out and have fun with it.... its gonna be easy with the independence. I'm going to miss Nicole. We've gotten so close.... I'm glad we had this time together though. Its been really great in every way, and if anything shes taught me how to appreciate life in so many different ways. I know we have many more memories to make (october 8th, woo! ha). To everyone who already left....good luck and I wish you all the best. To those who will soon leave, you know how I feel on the edge of something new and exciting and a little scary. I hope everyone has a great time at school. Today Kev and JM called me to say good luck. I know the whole group has had its differences and disagreements and akward whatevers, but it was really nice hearing from those guys. We had some good times in physics, and I'm gonna miss that in college. So thanks guys. Also I'm glad I'm going with a friend... I know Nici will be there to help me out if I freak out a little bit or just need someone to listen...I don't thank her enough for that. Heres to hoping everyone makes tons of friends and makes the best of this year. Goodnight NoRock, I'll be seeing you soon. The next time you hear from me, I'll be in Washington Square..... and man, I'm excited.
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