Monday, May 09, 2005
What up. Back from Cornell, and life is very good, despite some minor things keeping me busy. The tutoring industry this time of year is booming, since finals/regents mean parents are scrambling to get their kids to look good. Personally I hate accepting responsibility for a child's performance by getting paid to force knowledge where it won't stay, but hey, its good money and it gives me a chance to have my sarcasm appreciated. Speaking of sarcasm, I love Mr. Schneider! His final project is awesome! No seriously, wtf mate. Well, it could be worse. We could have to research some dead guy and read his books; instead we get to bs an entire project based on someone we should all know pretty well (and be able to put at least a good spin on): ourselves. Another chance for sarcasm appreciation I guess. Speaking of appreciation, thanks to Vincent and his roommates for letting us (Adam, Matty K and myself) come over and spend some quality time in Cornell. The dining hall was, as usual, the most amazing food experience ever. Though I heard NYU may be putting up a good fight....Stay tuned!
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