Sunday, February 20, 2005
yo i went to the city yesterday with jofi morgan and nici paggs. Jenny didnt come cuz she's a fart knocker. Anyways, we tried getting rush tickets for Brooklyn at like 2:30 but at first they werent selling them because the matinee performance had been cancelled due to sickness, and they werent sure if theree was gonna be a show that nite. We came back at 5 and got the tickets (4th row!). Before the show started the cast(only 5 people) came out and said how on the characters got sick and so did her understudy. So they called in a friend who learned the show in 4 hours THAT day AND is making her broadway debut. She even had a script with her on stage the whole time. However, if she didnt have a script with her, you wouldnt have known it was her first time on stage, cuz she was awesome. She had the songs memorized and had a really good voice, she just needed it for the dialogue, which she still did very well. She wasnt even visibly shaken. And u can tell that the rest of the cast was probably more energized knowing it was her first time. Also in the mezzanine there were 2 monitors that showed the conductor, so that was cool cuz u could see wat he was doing the whole time. The shoe was really good AND we get free tickets to see it again!
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