
Monday, November 01, 2004

yo yo...so steve and jenny came down this weekend and that was fun. They got here saturday and we walked around a lil bit then we watched Saw in ym room which was a terribly fucked up movie. We chilled for some more and then went to bed. But i didnt, i just went back to my room and played video games. at like 4:30 am jenny im'd me that she couldnt sleep and wanted to go for a walk. So we walked and talked till like 6 am , we werent tired, we jsut realized it was entirely too late. I had left my swipe card in my room so i couldnt get either of us into our respective room(she was sleeping in marks room) so she asked these people who were still awake ont he 2nd floor to let her in. The girl said "oh, you're cute, i'll send a guy." she and a guy from my floor came to the side door and she was like "i made friends!" and we talked for a lil then went to bed. Next day we ate brunch, walked and met up with joe coe, then saw them off.
After that i jsut sat around all day. I took a nap ad at ike 12:30 tonite mark asked me if i wanted to run around as ninjas. So i met him in hsi room, we got dressed and we ran around campus as ninjas. It was great! we were somersaulting and diving and hiding behind trees and freaking people out. We went in fron of the tower and started to ninja fight and all these people got real into it. Then these girls were yelling out their window how they like love ninjas so i bowed in front of their window and then me and mark had a leaf fight, made leaf angels and held hands and skipped away. We then went into hsi building and went up and down the floors. We went into the room of someoen on marks floor and amrk satarted playin hsi playstation, it was great, he had no idea who he was till after. Then we went upstairs and this guy was knockign on a door and we stood behind him. This girl answered and let him in and he was like "i brought ninjas with me...." so we went in, mark put on her deoderant, rubbed his head with her towel and we left. We then went into an open suite, flushed the toilet and then ran away. It was great cuz we had no idea who these people were, but people are friendly towards ninjas.....or at least afraid!

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