Sunday, November 07, 2004
What up. After reading Liz's long blog post about feeling like her personality was only little bits of other people, I have a response. I too once felt like I had no personality of my own, that I simply stole bits of the people around me. But it later occurred to me that just maybe that's what life is about, taking bits and pieces of the people around you and shaping yourself. I'm only in marching band because my friends joined first, I started drama because my teacher told me I'd be cool at it, I joined debate because they needed a backup, all this stuff I wouldn't have done I did for someone else, but they became a part of me. Much like me and the OG share mannerisms and words that we say a lot, we grow off of each other because we're tight like that. Me and Morgan also say so many of the same things because we're together a whole lot. Its the people you love that surround you and influence you the most. So don't feel like you're not cool because you want to be more like them. Its just appreciation. Plus you're cool anyway. Thanks for the props, though I'm not sure my words are really insightful unless you can make sense of them. I sure can't.
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