
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

As I sit typing this, all hell is actually breaking loose, and then freezing over. Scott is currently building a barricade in the hallway out of garbage to prevent Chalfin from attacking him with a clothes hangar (who was led to his attack by Scott who ambushed him in his room with rubber bands). Needless to say, there is yelling and garbage spewing all about, and I fear it might end in disaster. I tried not to get involved, but as I peeked my head out into the hallway to investigate the battle, I was deemed a threat by Scott, who proceeded to bombard me with ramdom bits of trash. Needless to say, this is probably understandable in light of us all losing our minds to the evils of organic chemistry.
Brandon reminded me earlier of my addiction to Dasani water, which I surmise is a ploy by the Coca-Cola Corporation to get the American populace addicted to cocaine (which is inevitably dissolved in the water...'reverse osmosis' my foot). There was a time in my life when it was all I drank...it was my bad habit. If you dont know the feeling of addiction to this evil substance, good.
More importantly, I was reading Star Magazine earlier in a coffee shop around the corner, and it led Scott and I to an interesting conversation. We've concluded that, although probably mildly retarted and perhaps even a touch mongloid, Jessica Simpson isn't as stupid as MTV makes her seem. It marvels me how (without fail) the producers somehow make her breasts get 'in the way' of everything (ie her playing golf, cooking, driving, etc).
Another realization recently made by myself and my apartmentmates (at least all the important ones) is that the world would be a better place if everyone built model rockets. They're just so cool. End of story.
UPDATE ON THE GUERILLA WARFARE: Chalfin has admitted defeat to Scott and has placed a plastic bag over his head to signal such. He will die in a matter of seconds.
Glad I could update you on the life and times of...myself. Look forward to more, 'exciting' posts in the future.

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