
Thursday, November 11, 2004

After deep reflection, I've determined that the single group of people I hate the most in the world are JAPPY pre-med girls. This semester I seem to have somehow gotten stuck in the chem lab with at least 5 of such obnoxious bitches, all of whom are somehow one right after another alphabetically and hence congregate in one area of the lab.
Aside from being arrogant, bitches who are too stuck up for their own good, they all have the same obnoxious, droning, whiney Long Island-esque voice that makes nails on a chalkboard seem pleasant. When they're not too busy calling girls that are different from them ugly behind their backs, they're busy plotting what evil things their acid-spewing vaginas can do to the next innocent guy who approaches them.
Biggest complaint of all: they're stupider than white bread. I've actually eaten bologna sandwiches that could speak more intelligently than a JAPPY pre-med whore. Everyone knows that the only reason they're pre-med to begin with is because daddy is a dentist (or a gynecologist, depending on how much acid spews out of his wife's JAPPY vagina). They don't even try to further the illusion by concealing this fact (whether or not such a mentally disabled group of people can make that decision is still being debated, but for now, I'll assume that about 12 functional brain cells still exist in their stupid JAPPY heads and give them the benefit of the doubt on this one).
What led me to this angry tirade?, you might ask. It's quite simple really. While waiting to use the electronic balance to mass my unknown sample of isopentyl acetate, I was forced to hear one of these JAPS have a conversation with the TA (who is perhaps the coolest graduate student in existence). The transcript is as follows:
JAP (in obnoxious voice that induces vomit): Umm...is this the sulfuric acid?
John: What does the bottle say?
JAP: 15M H2SO4 (aq).
John: And what might that mean?
JAP: I don't know. What does it mean to be an aq?
John (quite fed up by this point): Yes, it's the damn sulfuric acid, use it.
JAP: But is this the concentrated one? We're supposed to use concentrated my friend said.
John: *walks away*
JAP: *repeats (practically) above conversation with poor unsuspecting Asian girl at next desk.

As you can see, such stupidity is frightening, and although this may offend some people I will say it anyway. If Hitler succeeded with his little 'ethnic cleansing' of the Jews 50 years ago, JAPS would not exist (or they'd be my slaves). My apologies to the 5 million Jews whose descendants didn't have JAPPY pre-med daughters, but to those Jews who survived the gas chambers to go on to procreate such obnoxious bitches as descendants, I wish I could turn back time.


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