Monday, March 29, 2004
What up. Crazy stuff. Morgan and I went for a ride to Dunkin' Donuts to get some piping hot refreshment (her personal favorite beverage), and also for some discussion of how our days went. All was going well until we were pulling out of the parking lot. Mind you this was a perfectly legitamate exit: Some crazy old man with a flannel shirt, smoking a cig, started yelling at us that we were going out the wrong way, that the exit was on the other side. At this point he began making the universal sign for crazy (circular motion about the temple). This was annoying, but whatever, Morgan began yelling thank you impatiently and I figured that was that. No openings to make a left yet. Then he began yelling some more. At this point I was frustrated and Morgan was a bit scared. He seemed to be rather nuts and would probably have smashed the car had he been closer. Then he dropped the bomb and said "You've got a dumb boyfriend there". Morgan got really pissed at that one and started calling him a dumb old man. Then I gave a hearty yell of "Get a job grouch!" admist the screaming and like that we took off. Man we had several laughs at that one. When we got to her house we asked her dad (A Stony Point detective mind you) about him and he actually knew who he was. Apparently his name is Shane Daly or something of that sort, and is quite the crazy menace of NoRock. He is indeed a homeless grouch, quite crazy, and sets dumpsters on fire at night when he is bored. Unfortunetly for him he picked a yelling fight with detective Anderson's daughter. I see ass kicking in his future. Well, thats all the craziness I have for the day. Until next time this is Joefi saying, always look both ways before crossing.
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