Wednesday, February 25, 2004
yo yo...week is goin by rather quick i think. In english today chris spat a spitball in the air attempting to catch it in his mouth, but he missed and it landed in lucia's bag. Then in health we were makign chart bout stress. This one group but down "police" as stressors and "shooting at the police" as negative ways of dealing with stress. During fisics Stu and Pat tried to convince Mr. Leung that paper didnt have atoms becuase it was dead. After skool we ahd mock trial, was good, we won. While i was eating pizza be4 gettign on the bus i had jofi roll down my sleeves cuz i was cold and my hands were occupied. Now i finshed the module, but still got lottsa debate work to do. Meh, once speeches are done it'll be easy. I would kill myself so i wouldnt hafta do all this work but i'd be afraid of Mrs. Palmero somehow getting me in the afterlife and somehow causing harm to me.
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