Sunday, January 11, 2004
yo yo...i am writing this blog extremely (havn't yeet figured out what emotion it is, i'll bee intereested to here what u the readers think, leets get somee feedback) started out cool,, i went to La Fontana for amanda (eggers) birthday. I had a really good time. It makes me kinda think back and wish i could do high school all over again, theeree's so many things i would do different. I would want to beecomee better friends with so many people. I wish i starteed hanging out with Jared and Eric and stacie and amanda and marissa in 9th grade, they're so cool and so much fun. Anyways, enough of that, no day but today. So afetr i got homei was bored and went over to thee Lorentz's house, as always theree was a party. Came ina nd hung out a bit, SOO many people there. So i drove Xavieer and Andrew to take care fo somee business, which was fun cuz they were on shrooms so it was fun to lsiten to them talk. Then i drovee homee adam, i dotn mind, he lives close and he's my buddy. Then i drovee homee team [slut]....this is where the problem occured. one of them drank to much and was likee sick so we to their house(they were all going to the same house) with the window down and her head out of the window. Shee started liek spitting up liek a fucking baby. we pulled over, she regained heerself and went to the hosue. there was somee "spit up" on the passenger door, only outside, I got a wet papeer towel but it started freezingf so it wasnt doing good. At this point i was just soo fed up with EVERYTHING i jsut went home. (I was doing a favor for Bob, which i neveer mind cuz he does sooo much for eveeryonee else too so its all good!) So i got home and switched out a car that was in one of the garagees so i could put mine in, i couldnt clean it if it was gonna freeze. I put it in and got some hot water and put it all over the passengers door. cleaned it off and it is pretty good. i think i'll get a car wash anyway tommorrow just to do it right. At this point i dotn know wat emotion this all evokes, anger, frustration, pissedoffness....lets see what the readers think
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