
Tuesday, January 20, 2004

What up. The other night I attended a practice for the Rockland Symphony night at our school at Roths house. Mr. Roth has a very nice house, I hope to visit again. Mr. Roths son has a very nice bass voice too, he totally blew me away with his vocal skills. I felt very humbled singing with the three other guys there, they were really awesome (those tenors have a homosexual flair though, but whatever). Nici Paggs agreed that it was too awesome for words. Well whatever, back to school, same old shit. Review for midterms, but who cares. Some people get all worked up, but quite honestly I am not worried in the slightest. I'd much rather relax and maybe look over some notes before the test (stress the maybe). I've become quite lazy lately, not sure why. Everything that keeps me busy during the winter is all in full swing and my full schedule would suggest I'd be overworked, but its quite the oposite. I don't do shit. Oh well, life is what you make it, and I just want to take it easy. New developments include me becoming totally obsessed with the show (Les Mis), and realizing it will either be awesome or shitty (probly the latter) but at least I know me and Nici Paggs will kick some ass. No, not some ass, every ass in the damn place. And then some.

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