
Saturday, January 03, 2004

Vincent again (yes loyal readers...all two of you...perhaps this posting I've been doing isn't just a phase) It's around 4:45 and I just got back from the Mont Ivy Diner. Yes, I know...however my brain thinks it's dinner time. Yeah, well, I taught my brain a lesson. I got an omlette. Take THAT fucking brain, thinking it's dinner time. I showed you. Yes, so anyaway, after an interesting night of sitting at home sipping Scotch, I realized, I REALLY hate my roommate. I never thought about it before tonight, but, my fucking god, he's a douchebag. I will thus present a list of things about my roommate that royally suck ass: his dirty, smelly EOP bitch girlfriend from Trinidad who is ALWAYS fucking in my room (even when he's not there); the fact that his dirty, smelly, EOP bitch girlfriend from Trinidad sleeps in my room EVERY NIGHT; the fact that he and his dirty, smelly, EOP bitch girlfriend from Trinidad fuck each other every day; the fact that no matter what time of day (if he's not with aforementioned slut) he's sleeping and snoring loudly; the fact that at any given moment, articles of his "black people" wardrobe are found randomly strewn about my side of the room (such articles include but are not limited to: powder blue "Tims", his huge ass baggy jeans, items of clothing labeled with a random rapper's clothing brand, etc.); the fact that he sets his alarm full-well knowing he isn't going to get up when it goes off; he blasts his shitty music all day long; he's dirty. Why the hell do I put up with it? I'll tell you...it's because he's black...ain't no one gonna mess with a group of black people, plain and simple.
So anyway, this leads me to my ultimate fantasy. I dream of the day when I'll be taking a nice drink at the water fountain and my roommate will be behind me, waiting to drink, and then I can turn around, give a look, point upward to the conveniently located "White people only" sign and shake my finger at him in disapproval. Send his ass to the colored people fountain. Hey, it worked in South Africa...Strom Thurmond for President!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, I am aware he's dead...morons)
Ok, now that I'm done with that...I have another two weeks or so at home, and I don't think I am going to make it. I am insanely bored. There's absolutely NOTHING to do here. I give up (which explains why I sleep through the daylight hours). SO if your my mother reading this, first of all, get a life and find something better to do (same goes to Randi). Second of all, stop complaining about my sleeping habits, if I had something better to do, trust me, I'd be up to do it. With that, I go back to the "fascinating" world wide web to entertain me for several more hours before I retire. Goodnight all.

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