Monday, December 15, 2003
yo was no skool so me kevin and jofi went sledding at thiells....ah...good ol times. When we first got there there weresome other kids there and kevin got scared and left, but we convinced him to go back. Of course kevin is lazy and barely made it up half the hill so he only sledded from halfway up. Me and jofi sledded from all the way up. The first bad incident was me and jofi going down and jofi hitting the ramp at the bottom but putting his feet out so they got stuck in it and my sled came right up behind him and hit him from behind at high speeds. however i was unhurt so its all good. The final bad incident was me and jofi going down and we both going off the ramp w/o stopping and us both flying off, hitting the pavement HARD then my legs hittign the curb...bringing me to an abrupt halt...with pain of course.
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