Sunday, November 02, 2003
yo yo, i was on ym way to bed when i saw this ginormous bug in my kitchen . I went upstairs to get my mom to come look at it cuz it was so huge, but she didnt wanna see it. She jus told me to kill it, i said no, cuz it was so huge it'd prolly kill me. SO i went and got the camera to take a picture of it but will trying to get it to come to the middle of the floor it recessed into the wall. Vincent, if ur reading....its about 1 1/2 to 2 inches, maddd leggs on either side, 2 logn anntennae and it was greenish beigeish color. find out what it is and tell me its weakness(i.e. sunlight, silver, garlic, arsenic) so i can be perpared to find it. if ic an i'll post a picture on my photo album which u will find a link to on the sidebar.
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