Sunday, November 16, 2003
What up. As the hectic and action packed weekend comes to a rousing conclusion, the Ask Madden faithful will soon make their triumphant return to every day blogging about absolutely nothing. We will once again be rivited by Kevins witty humor, Marks amusing anecdotes, Steves absence from the blog, Matty K's milano madness, Adams hour long entries about nothing, Vincents oh-so-smart views on everything that he knows more than you about, and of course my, well, whatever you want to call it. I'm not sure what it is. Anyway the play so far (except for some sound issues) has been ok. No real fatal mistakes have been made onstage, and some of the more difficult scenes to pull off (i.e. Death/Choking/Jumping out windows) have been pulled off nicely (special kudos to Adams death scene last night, it was a real winner). Also, I would like to point out that Kevins pa fell asleep during Act two. Now it may have been hard to notice, but luckily he was snoring louder than my lines with Kevin. Well thats my amusing story of the day, now I'm going back to sleep until call at 1230. Two down, one to go...Last night at Dar's daddys was fun. The party died down suprisingly quick (perhaps thanks to most of the crew doing monkey knife fights or something downstairs....) I brought Morgan along but she had to be home by 12 (which really sucked, but its all good). When I returned many people began to leave, and eventually there were only a few left. Of course we did what any self respecting group of people who are the afterthought of a party do: gamble. Nar (Dar's little brother nick) was surpisingly efficient at winning our money and suprisingly defficient at dealing. Eventually we all gave up because Dar's daddy fell asleep on the couch making sure we didn't do bad things. I donated my winnings to the Nar fund, hoping that someday he will go to college. Even if he doesn't, I'd rather Allison hang out with him than the gangsta men she normally keeps in her company. No offense to Matty K, who is everyones favorite Gangsta man. Ok back to bed. Peace
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