Thursday, October 09, 2003
yo yo, just got home. From where? nowhere. I just had to get out of the house. I dont know why, didnt argue wit the rents or nething, just felt like i needed tog et away. I went to the school to get my SUPA notebook , to give me soemthing to do. Then i kinda just drove around. I was really in the mood to soft piano music, but i didnt have any, so i "settled" for mraz. It was a weird day, the school day went well, me mark adam chris and nicka ll dresed up for dress to impress day. i wore my tophat, cane, white glvoes and suit jacket to school, everyone i walked by seem to get a kick outta that. But after i got home i felt very overwhelmed, just like yesterday. Its hard to describe the feeling, feels kinda like i'm sitting in a room thats too small for me. I dont know....i think this might be the climax of my life,i'm probably just gonna go all downhill (if u could call everythinb leading up to this uphill!) and spiral in a gelatinous mess, much like kevin. man, that thought scares me....
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