
Thursday, October 02, 2003

Hey Now! Kevin's back! Damn I havent posted in at least a bagillion years. Well whatever. Today happens to be my birthday which is an insanely cruel joke by God to keep me here in this disgusting shell. I just got back from a little extra help in Programming. Mr Daberkow helped me very little but he had this other kid Travis who probably knows as much about programming as fucking Bill Gates help me. This weeks been going by quite fast which helps because it totally sucked. I stayed home on monday because the previous night i fell asleep at my computer doing my module so I just stayed. I had a test in maff which I probably; well definitely failed unless my copying skills helped me out. J Flizzy and the kid who sits next to me helped me out ( withouyt them knowing it ). Its aight i just dont get math i probably am braindead. While doing some shit for Mr Robbins I ran into my favorite FYE employee Matty K. who had just returned from a psychoanalysis session with the great Ralph Andreano. He informed me that apparently there was some huge fight and everyone was going nuts in the office. Pissed that I missed it though. Now I know its all been on our minds recently but I too am disgusted at the goings on of Danielle Perrone and Vinny "Icky" Femia. I mean...ewwwwww. Its so nasty( See Mark for Visualization on things) Even grosser is that i saw them that noght at the mall before the supposed make-out session. Oh and Danielle the reason i put the link to your page on the site is becauae it ridiculously funny.Wait I better stop before I hurl on my new computer. I gotta go help blind people tomorrow for SUPA for community service. FUCK YOU COPLIN!!!!!!!!! Its aight though..Better than school which happens to make me sick day in and day out although on the plus side Palmero was our sub in English and will be tommorow too!! No Bitchsanni! It was great when she told us our whole class collectively went, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!" Go class. Im gonna go nap. Nuff Said.

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