Monday, October 27, 2003
bam, knukka! weekend was aight, Stephen came home, again. ITs not really much of a treat, not that i dont like to see him , but he's supposed to spend his weekends getting piss drunk and getting box. in the car to the mall me, kevin, and steve, were discussing steve's problem. Kevin and i said that he could get so much box, but doesnt, sorta like darin, but steve has no excuse bc he's at college. he tried to defend himself by saying that there are too many ugly chicks but i smashed any chance of him defending himself when i said, "You could be getting so much box, you could have a box social!!" and thats why steve likes boys. . THen we saw the most awesome creation that has to be in existance. at eh sticker store int he mall they have this weapont that looks like a pole but detaches into 2 FUCKING SWORDS, ITS SOO FUCKING KOOL. I LOVE IT. And note to joefi, i dont mind u having a girlfriend or a jetta, im actually happy for u, but inless something exciteing happens with one of them (i.e. you bone her) i dont really want u to mention them in every post u have. So just exciting or summary of the day things, if morgan happens to be involved, by all means write her down, but if ur gonna just say how happy u are to be going out with her, please spare us, we all know. ok 'nough for know.
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