
Thursday, September 11, 2003

JOEFI here, what up. Yes its 5:20 in the morning, no i did NOT wake up early, and yup Matty K is right here. Thats right folks, me and the great Stinga pulled an all nighter on a school night . To quote matts burnt out mindset: "That light, aren't you going?" I still don't know what he meant. But who wouldn't be burned out, the secret project AKA Devil Be Not Proud is totally complete. Its actually our own version of a rolling stones song called sympathy for the devil. Yeah its for nerd patrol, and yeah they are gonna fuck it up beyond recognition, but hey, it is still quite awesome. Its even got Matts signature lick in it. I'd type it, but its not the same. I should probably start at the beginning of yesterday day though, instead of now. Ha, i thought i was soooo tired yesterday morning.....i fell asleep in study hall, that was fun. I had a watch imprint on my right arm till 4th period. Casey Warner is gettin drivers ed forms so me, Adam and Kevin can get started on some getourseniorlicensesat17sowecandobadthingsafter9insteadofbefore. Somehow the great Matty K already took it and will get his senior license in November. (pause to watch awesome midnight club stunt on Stingas laptop) Not as awesome as promised. He continues to brag. (pause again) wow, that one sucked. On with the day....lunch, boars head combo, mmmm. Ap music theory, aced my key signature quiz (after failing the first two). After school was drama auditions, they went well i thought. After that me, Kevin and Adam met at ciceros to discuss what roles we wanted and who we thought we fit as our understudies. Then off to a suprisingly productive tutoring session, then home to find Matty K strolling in my front door. His dad was backing out of the driveway as i passed by to swing my car around into it spot, and since his dad has a knack for not looking where he's goin, i had to punch it to get past him before he backed right into me. I walked in and found a nice dinner of salmon and fried rice waiting for me. mmmmmm. The next thing i know, its 3 am, and we're still workin. We killed ourselves over that thing, so powers better respect. Wow. School in two hours. we did drink a whole lot of coffee last night so i wouldn't be suprised if we're all there in school today. I wish we could just stay home. At least i'll sleep like a baby tommorow, i need rest before THE BIG TRIP!!! Not long till we go visit Vincent! Its gonna be a few days without updates from myself, Kevin or Adam. We'll be too busy insulting one another, being extremely lazy, gettin college nerds to do our hw, and of course visiting Vincent. Ok Matty K just commented on the absurd lenght of this entry so i'm gonna stop. Good night, or morning, or whatever.

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